Foley: WHN by MaryB

Written for the Lancer Writer ‘55th Anniversary Episode Tag Celebration’

Episode tag for Foley

*  Scott has come to the rescue of a young widow who is in labor and on the run from her father in law, Foley.  He and Johnny have taken the mother-to-be, Polly, to Maria’s house. They are surrounded by Foley and his men/relatives including a hotheaded nephew with delusions of being a gunfighter.. Johnny rescued Murdoch from where they were holding him hostage in exchange for Polly and her baby, and returned to the cabin.

Word count: 628

Foley had lost control of the situation.

That much was clear from the commotion outside.

Johnny had the door open a crack, listening. Murdoch and Scott flanked him at the windows. Perhaps it was crazy, risking their lives for a woman they barely knew and an unborn child that no one knew at all yet.

He was not proud to admit there had been times in his life that he might have chosen differently. But facing this threat alongside his father and brother changed things. Changed him.

He turned his attention back to the noises outside. Things were getting uglier. Foley’s brat of a nephew-what was he called? Cory- was trying to be in charge. And evidently taking charge included shooting his own uncle. And now he yelling about burning them out of the cabin. Damn, this kid has got to go!

Suddenly Murdoch was heading out of the door. As Johnny watched, he went straight over to help Foley. To the man who had captured, threatened and hurt him. It gave Johnny pause. Why would he…?


Cory was facing him with a cocky grin on his face. His legs were spread, his fingers hovered over his holster. “I been waiting for this, Lancer.”

He was calling him out. Johnny almost laughed. The kid wasn’t worth his time. Cocky, arrogant, impatient-everything a gunfighter shouldn’t be. If he continued on, he would become another Day Pardee. He thought of the brat’s uncle bleeding on the ground. Of the mother and child he was willing to burn alive. And suddenly Johnny wasn’t laughing anymore. Cory was already well on his way to following in Day’s footsteps.

In a strange reversal of his last words to Pardee, Johnny said, “It’s not Lancer.”

Cory frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“It’s Madrid. Johnny Madrid.”

Cory paled. He took a step back. “You’re a liar. Madrid died in Mexico.”

Johnny gave him a cold smile.

From the ground, Foley ground out, “Don’t be an idiot, boy!”

Rather than dissuading him, Cory’s features hardened. “First him, then you, uncle,” he growled. He jerked his hand toward his gun.

Johnny drew and fired before Cory’s gun left the holster. He stood frozen as he watched the familiar expression of disbelief cross his opponent’s face before crumpling to the ground. What a waste. What a stupid waste.

“Give me a hand,” Murdoch’s words broke through his thoughts.  Putting  his hand under Foley’s arm he helped his father take him into the cabin. The rest of the  gang turned their horses and fled over the hill.

Polly and Teresa were upstairs, no doubt oohing and ahhing over little Martha. Johnny stood out on the portico looking out at the night. He nibbled on some nuts, throwing the shells far into the yard.

“Everything alright?”

Johnny tossed another shell before answering his father. “Yeah. I guess so.”


Johnny glanced at him. His father could read him pretty well these days. Not as well as Scott could, but pretty well.  Murdoch Lancer was very different than what he had assumed at their first meeting.  Or maybe he was. Or both. “Except facing that kid. Cory. It didn’t set right.” He tossed another nut, shell and all.

Murdoch paused before speaking. “You said Polly was a different person from the one you knew in those border towns.”


His father smiled at him. “Maybe she’s not the only one whose perspective has changed with better opportunities.”

He smiled back. Who knew he and his old man would start thinking alike. “Maybe.”

“Maybe…” Murdoch leaned on the half wall next to him. “…we’ve all changed a little.”

Johnny’s smile grew into a grin. “Maybe a little.”

Murdoch laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. Together they walked back inside.




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6 thoughts on “Foley: WHN by MaryB

  1. I love your writing, Mary. You can’t beat it when you get to hear Madrid identify himself. Thanks for this story.


    1. Thanks!! I really thought not having Johnny face that little punk and put him in his place was a missed opportunity. Did the episode writer not know who Johnny was?


  2. Love this ending – Johnny is not the same person who knew Polly in those border towns. New beginnings all around!


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